Sunday, May 25, 2008

Uh oh! We have a Blog?

Hello blog readers.
All two of you...including me.
I hear blog is short for web log... which makes me question its origin. A log is a record that is kept on a long overseas voyage right? Well... I think we may someday have something exciting to write here... though It may not include discovering new territory for the Undies Empire... it just might feature a violent encounter with natives. Or maybe we'll be shipwrecked with our entire family and build a fancy tree house with running water and skylights and have lots of pet animals, our own waterpark, conveniently be from Switzerland and change our name to Robinson. It is more likely we get shipwrecked than we actually get the government to let us change our name for such an occurence... nevertheless the first stop on the voyage to FringeNYC was local auditions! They went well! But we can't wait for our New York call! (TBA....of course).